A new weekly series...sharing from one of our staff each week their definition of Empowering Connections...
I believe that people have the inherent ability to make decisions that best work for their individual lives and to use their own natural strengths to thrive. Because we are expected to interact with others on a constant basis, relationships are the most important aspect of life, and can also cause the most challenges. When relationships falter or shut down, people naturally struggle with anxiety, which manifests itself in many ways.

I believe that the role of the therapist is to support the client in working toward their own goals by developing a trusting relationship whereby the client feels safe being open about his/her experiences and feelings, knowing that he/she will be heard, nurtured, and understood. My job is to be an empathic listener, provide consistent warmth and unconditional positive regard, and teach my client new tools to meet the goals that he/she has identified. It is not my job to "fix" my client or have my own agenda, rather to recognize that he/she is the expert on his/her own life, and support him/her in solving problems, improving quality of life, and eventually feeling confident enough to thrive without ongoing professional intervention.
Rebecca Waranch, LCSW